
Our story

The first 20 years

The first 20 years

The origins (1974-1994)

Forty years ago the Padua Chambers of Commerce started our adventure by giving a visionary interpretation to its role as custodian of the personal details and administrative information for businesses in the province.

For Mario Volpato the newly-elected chairman, collecting and keeping all that data in paper form - as had been done since the middle ages and the times of the merchant communities, the “universitas mercatorum” - was no longer sufficient to guarantee market efficiency and to stimulate economic development.

Early information technology was opening new horizons in rapid, mass data processing. It was finally possible to envisage intelligent management of administrative information regarding the lives of businesses, transforming that information into data that could be processed and used in new ways by everybody
The idea of enhancing the value of data provided by businesses was born, with the data being returned to the market and to the businesses themselves as information that could be used to increase competitiveness and plan development.
The seed of efficiency was sown in Chamber of Commerce organisation, a new foundation on which to build a clear and advantageous agreement between businesses and the Public Administration.
Since then, we have helped write important chapters in the history of innovation in our country. The heirs to a vision of the future that makes us respond to the needs of today, while imagining the solutions of tomorrow.


Timeline primi 10 anni

1974 - At InfoCamere..

On the morning of December 20th, the articles of association of C.E.R.V.E.D. S.p.A. (Centro Elettronico Regionale Veneto Elaborazione Dati - Veneto Regional Electronic Data Processing Centre) were drawn up. The first registers to go on line were those for the Padua and Turin Chambers of Commerce.

Nello stesso anno..

Italian Referendum on Divorce, death of Pompidou, the Red Brigade kidnap Sossi, Watergate scandal, Carnation Revolution in Portugal, end of the Regime of the Colonels in Greece - The Sting, The Exorcist.


Birth of the first Cerved database: IBIS (International Business Information System) “150,000... importers in 126 Countries, above all emerging ones”, as the report by the Board of Directors of the time describes it.

Nello stesso anno..

maiden flight of Concorde, death of Francisco Franco, death of Pasolini, Nobel prize awarded to Montale, first free radios, Amarcord wins the Oscar.


First balanced budget for Cerved

Nello stesso anno..

Pol Pot deposed, Khomeini rises to power, Valpreda acquitted, Tanassi condemned, URSS invades Afghanistan - Mennea runs 19" 72, The Deer Hunter, Alien.


Following a management buy out, Michele Cinaglia (General Manager of Cerved) founds Engineering Ingegneria Informatica.

Nello stesso anno..

Ustica Massacre, Walter Tobagi murdered by the Red Brigade, Solidarnosc, march of the 40,000, earthquake in Irpinia, Moscow Olympics boycotted, The Name of the Rose published, Apocalypse Now.


Birth of Movimprese the quarterly statistical analysis of business birth/death rate based on data from the Business Register.

Nello stesso anno..

Death of Brezhnev, Falklands war, Commodore 64 on sale at $595, first Compact Disc, ET, Blade Runner.


Creation of Ecocerved, the Chamber of Commerce company for information systems for the environment.

Nello stesso anno..

Birth of the Turin Book Fair, Ramstein, Senna wins his first world title, Babette's Feast, Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown.


The arrival of the RATIO software profoundly changes the way CERVED databases are interrogated. A single browsing system for a complete view of the information on businesses.

Nello stesso anno..

The Berlin Wall falls on November 9th, Tienanmen Square, birth of the WWW, fall of Ceausescu in Romania, Rain Man, A Fish Called Wanda.


Start of the SESAMO project, allowing the distribution of Chamber of Commerce registration details and certificates via an unmanned ATM (Automated Teller Machine).

Nello stesso anno..

Birth of the European Union: Italy signs the Maastricht Treaty, Cossiga and Gladio, Mandela freed, Germany reunited, end of the Thatcher era, end of PCI, Windows 3.0, Dances with Wolves, Dead Poets Society, Cinema Paradiso.


Birth of InfoCamere, S.C.p.A., a spin-off from Cerved S.p.A.

Nello stesso anno..

Srebrenica massacre, Andreotti trial, extradition of Priebke, Prodi and Veltroni found the Ulivo party, Windows 95, Forrest Gump, Pulp Fiction, The Lion King.

The second 20 years

The second 20 years

A new beginning (1995-2015)

During the past twenty years we have built up an avant garde business and organisational point of excellence that lies, on our country's development map, at the crossroads between enterprise, public administration and the market.
At the start of the 'Nineties, acceleration of global competition and the challenges to bring Italy into the modern world changed the balance of this scenario. With the 1993 Reform law, the Chambers of Commerce changed their appearance, and their technological heart was also renewed.
From Cerved came InfoCamere, which took up the challenge of creating the Business Register. Envisaged by the Italian Civil Code since 1942 but never implemented previously, the result was finally achieved in just two years, one years ahead of schedule: the first example in Europe of a fully telematic public business register came into being.
This challenge was followed by others, those of 'digital signature', 'certified e-mail', 'single notice' (...).
Through InfoCamere, digital intermediate technology and services became available on a day-to-day basis for the business and professional community, contaminating the working habits of thousands of Italians and stimulating innovation processes in the public administration.



Today, around the Business Register, we have built up services that help the Chambers of Commerce to:

  • simplify the processes between businesses and the Public Administration, encouraging the growth of a widespread digital culture in businesses and professions
  • help businesses to open, grow and become competitive
  • guarantee everyone has access to up-to-date, official and reliable information on the economy and businesses


It is thanks also to this ongoing commitment to investing in technology that the Chambers of Commerce have today become the "digital home" of businesses. A home that is open to everybody, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


Timeline secondi 20 anni


Birth of the national telematic Business Register: a service completely new to the whole of Europe that marks Italy's primacy in information technology applied to the filing and distribution of public data.

Nello stesso anno..

Taleban in Kabul, mad cow disease, fire at La Fenice in Venice - Braveheart, The Postman, Apollo 13, 12 Monkeys.

1999 in the age of the dot economy the Business Register takes to the internet.

Nello stesso anno..

Official birth of the Euro, the new European currency, NATO bombs Serbia, Ciampi becomes President of the Italian Republic, the Internet "Bubble", Napster, Saving Private Ryan, Life is Beautiful, The Truman Show.


InfoCamere is the first certifying body in Italy for Digital Signatures.

Nello stesso anno..

Wikipedia, the free encyclopaedia, goes on line, G.W. Bush becomes President of the United States, Italy cancels its debt, Nasdaq crashes, Berlusconi wins elections, September 11th attack on Twin Towers, iPod, Windows XP - The Gladiator.

2008 the virtual Chamber of Commerce teller that is open to the public at all hours.

Nello stesso anno..

The Freccia Rossa high speed train comes into service, connecting Milan to Bologna in 65 minutes, Lehman Brothers declared bankrupt, Google launches Android, Obama President of the United States of America, Federica Pellegrini wins the first female Olympic gold medal for Italy, The Divine, Changeling.


Birth of ICONTO: a single on-line payment system for many PA services.

Nello stesso anno..

Pope Benedict XVI announces his retirement from the role of Pope, death of Nelson Mandela, a meteorite explodes over Russia, The Great Beauty.

Innovation is Growth

Great changes need simplicity to take place. Simple as a tree, but solid as its roots. Like trees, our vocation is growth: the growth of our organisation, of the Chamber of Commerce System of which we form a part and which we animate, of businesses and of the Country. To feed this, we look at change as an opportunity to acquire knowledge, to innovate and to renew ourselves.

Nello stesso anno..

Pope Francis announces the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy, Boko Haram massacre in Nigeria, NASA declares the presence of water on Mars, the USA trade embargo with Cuba ends, Bridge of Spies.

Innovare è Crescere

I grandi cambiamenti hanno bisogno di semplicità per verificarsi. Semplici come un albero, ma solidi come le sue radici. Proprio come per gli alberi, la nostra vocazione è la crescita: della nostra organizzazione, del Sistema Camerale di cui facciamo parte e che animiamo, delle imprese e del Paese.

Nello stesso anno..

Papa Francesco annuncia il Giubileo straordinario della Misericordia, strage di Boko Haram in Nigeria, la Nasa dichiara la presenza di acqua su Marte, si conclude l’embargo tra Cuba e Stati Uniti, ll ponte delle spie


Realizzazione del Registro Nazionale per l'Alternanza Scuola-Lavoro, per sostenere il diritto degli studenti di imparare lavorando e offrire alle scuole, alle imprese e al Paese un’occasione in più di crescita.

Nello stesso anno..

Il Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) e l'European Gravitational Observatory (EGO) rispettivamente da Washington e da Cascina annunciano la scoperta dell'esistenza delle onde gravitazionali, teorizzata nel 1915 da Albert Einstein.

La nostra vision

Our future today

Thinking outside the box, leaving pre-formed and "copy-and-paste" strategies behind to experiment with new ways of thinking and new paradigms of action, in a constant synergism between hard and soft skill: this is the logic of continuous innovation, the original vision behind InfoCamere.
Because the future is creativity and organisation, genius and system, vision and sharing.
Taking part in this process means implementing the principle of simplification, distributing easy-to-use tools so that everybody can live in the age of access.


Fattura elettronica

Nel 2015 abbiamo rilasciato il servizio gratuito di fatturazione elettronica delle Camere di Commercio per aiutare le piccole imprese ad affrontare il passaggio alla fatturazione elettronica verso le PA. Nel 2017  la gestione delle fatture viene estesa anche alle imprese. Per saperne di più

Abbiamo rinnovato il portale delle Camere di commercio italiane che da accesso al Registro imprese e alle altre banche dati del sistema camerale.

Le Ricerche diventano più flessibili e la consultazione è garantita anche in mobilità da qualsiasi dispositivo
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Libri digitali

Nasce il servizio delle Camere di Commercio pensato per aiutare le imprese a gestire in totale sicurezza e con pieno valore legale tutto il processo di digitalizzazione dei libri d’impresa. Una piattaforma accessibile sempre, dalle società e dai loro intermediari, anche da smartphone e tablet.
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Lo Sportello Unico per le Attività produttive in collaborazione con le Camere di Commercio rappresenta in assoluto la piattaforma maggiormente diffusa, completa e utilizzata a livello nazionale: 4.000 comuni nel 2018 hanno già gestito più 400.000 pratiche telematiche.

Visura in inglese

Rilasciata per la prima volta nel 2014 la visura in inglese è oggi richiesta da oltre 110 paesi nel mondo e ne sono state richieste più di 230.000 copie.
Scopri di più su

Ad un anno e mezzo dalla sua nascita la piattaforma, il "cassetto digitale" dell’imprenditore è già utilizzata da oltre 200.000 cittadini imprenditori che gratuitamente, anche da smartphone e tablet, consultano i documenti ufficiali della propria impresa.
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La fatturazione elettronica

Il servizio delle Camere di Commercio dedicato alle piccole imprese sarà rinnovato nella grafica e nell'usabilità ed arricchito di nuove funzionalità come la fattura semplice, l'esportazione delle fatture e la rubrica clienti.