Accesso alle banche dati titolo

Access to the data bases


The Data base Access Agreement for Chamber of Commerce data bases allows operators who are interested to connect to the Data Bases, using the interface connecting their information system and the national information system, in order to extract documents and data.

For further information, visit the dedicated website for Access to the Chamber of Commerce data bases. 

Il contratto
A chi si rivolge
What to do
Il contratto

The Contract

Among the statutory tasks of InfoCamere is that of preparing, organising and managing, in the interests and on behalf of the Chambers of Commerce themselves, a national information technology system capable of handling and distributing in real time, even to third parties, deeds, documents and information that are required by law to be legally published or made known, or that derive from the records, registers, roles, lists and repertories held by the Chambers of Commerce.

To that end, InfoCamere allows access to the Data Bases by operators interested in extracting documents and data by means of the access services made available by the national information technology system. Access to the data bases by Operators takes place via connection to the national information technology system, both in internet web mode and in automated mass mode.

For further information please visit the website from which it is possible to Access the relevant Chamber of Commerce databases, or write to

A chi si rivolge

Who it is for

Who it is for

Any Operator who meets the following requirements:

  • Listed in the Business Register
  • Absence of pending insolvency proceedings on the date the Access Agreement was signed
  • Absence of causes of obstruction pursuant to Legislative Decree No. 159/2011 and subsequent modifications and additions (so-called «Anti-Mafia Code)
  • Absence of definitively ascertained serious breaches in the laws regarding safety at work and any other obligation deriving from employment relations
  • Absence of definitively ascertained serious breaches in the obligations relating to payment of taxes and dues under current legislation
  • Absence of definitively ascertained serious breaches in the laws on pension and social security contributions under current legislation
  • • Possession of all the authorisations and requirements requested by current legislation for legal carrying out of their activities.

    For further information please visit the website dealing with Access to the Chamber of Commerce data bases, or write to

The agreement regulates the terms of access to the Chambers of Commerce Data Bases and has as its object the extraction by the Operator of the information content identified by Tables A and B of the Decrees by the Ministry of Economic Development dated 17 July 2012 and 2 December 2009.
The information content may be extracted as:

  • Schedules in a non-processable format (.pdf and .html)

  • Data in a processable format (.xml, .xbrl).

The connection to the Data Bases may take place in two different manners:

  • via internet web

  • automatically (B2B) and in mass form.

The operator signing the Agreement will also be given the right to:

  • Distribute the official schedules to third parties (art. 5 of the Access Agreement);

  • Re-use the data in their own commercial products (art. 6 of the Access Agreement);

Furthermore, the Agreement allows the operator to:

  • make available the services of sending paperwork to register, modify, delete and deposit information with the Chamber of Commerce national information technology system (Paperwork Addendum);

  • access the EBR (European Business Register) Network Platform, allowing interrogation of the European Registers of over 23 countries (EBR Addendum).

Download the Chamber of Commerce Data Base Access Agreement

For further information please visit the website dealing with Access to the Chamber of Commerce data bases, or write to

What to do

Cosa fare per

1.The Operator who intends to stipulate the agreement must: deve:

  • send a formal request to InfoCamere S.C.p.A by certified email to the address,

  • enclose with the certified email a presentation of activities and the economic/financial characteristics of the Operator himself.

2. InfoCamere will contact the Operator, within the shortest possible time: providing and illustrating the full contract documentation and indicating what other operations are necessary to complete stipulation.
3. If the’Operator decides to sign the Agreement, at the time of stipulation he must: provide a guarantee (or seciruty deposit) of 10,000 Euro.


For further information please visit the website dealing with Access to the Chamber of Commerce data bases, or write to